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Category: Vision therapy

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How Can Vision Therapy Benefit Children?

A young child wearing glasses and a blue backpack poses with a thumbs up in front of a grey background

Vision therapy stands as an empowering pathway for children facing visual challenges, nurturing their ability to learn and interact with the world around them more effectively. Through personalized exercises and the use of specialized equipment, this form of therapy aims to improve visual skills such as eye tracking, focusing, and coordination. Beyond the enhancement of […]

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When Is It Too Late to Prevent Lazy Eye?

a child with amblyopia, or lazy eye

For many children, a lazy eye is a potential concern for their overall vision. If left unaddressed, this condition can affect someone into adulthood. A lazy eye is often treatable, but is it ever too late to prevent this condition from developing?  Continue reading to learn more about amblyopia, including if it’s ever too late […]

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Can Vision Therapy Be Done at Home?

a young girl covers one eye during vision therapy

Vision therapy is a supervised program for effectively treating impaired visual function. With vision therapy, patients develop the skills they need to cope with learning-related vision problems and other visual disorders.  The recommendation is that the patient complete this vision therapy with a trained vision therapist under the supervision of an optometrist. However, supplemental exercises […]

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