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Brantford Eye Care

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Welcome to Our Blog!

Within this feature of our new website, We will be providing you with news of our eye care office and general information about contact lensesprescription eyeglasses and sunglassesglaucoma and dry eyes to name a few. We will also share useful and practical information to achieve optimal eye care for you and your family.

Open communication and patient education are key to achieving optimum eye care. Through our blog, we hope to be able to help you understand the process of every eye care treatment and contribute to your comfort and peace of mind. With the combination of our expertise and experience in optometry, we are able to provide high quality of eye care for all our patients. Visit our profile on our website to read more about our team.If you’re around Brantford, ON and in need of an optometrist, call us at 519-752-0121 or click here to schedule an appointment.

Thank you for visiting our new blog.  Please check back often for relevant news and new information. Feel free to post your comment or suggestions on any of our posts that you find interesting.

Written by Dr Jillian Yeaman

I am very excited to serve the Branford community as a part of the Brantford Eye Care team! I attended McMaster University and received my Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry in 2012. I completed my Doctor of Optometry degree at the University of Waterloo in 2016; during this time I took part in an externship program in Mobile, Alabama, where I gained experience in the management of retinal and neuro-ophthalmic diseases.

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