Vision Therapy in Brantford

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Your Full Vision Therapy Clinic

“When vision is working well, it guides and leads; when not, it interferes.” 

—John W. Streff, OD

Vision is much more than visual acuity. It guides movement and allows us to navigate our environment and learn from our surroundings. 

Any deficiency in the efficacy of the visual system can impact our academic and athletic performance. If visual deficiencies are severe, they can even impact our ability to enjoy normal day-to-day activities. Improving our visual system and allowing it to reach its full potential can drastically improve our quality of life.

Vision therapy is based on the concept of neuroplasticity—new, more efficient neural pathways can be created through practice and skilled coaching. In vision therapy, we teach the brain a more effective way to use the visual system. 

Vision therapy sessions are done one on one with a trained vision therapist under the supervision of an optometrist. More than just “eye exercises,” the coaching that a patient receives from their therapist is a key factor in success.

Learn more about vision therapy today!

Vital Visual Skills

Much like walking and talking, visual skills are learned. We aren’t born with them. During vision therapy, we focus on a range of visual skills. Each of these skills are used to perform daily activities.

Visual skills can be affected by traumatic brain injuries or other neurological issues, or they can simply not develop properly in the first place.

Some important visual skills include:

  • Eye-tracking: Following moving objects.
  • Simultaneous alignment: Lining both eyes up at the same point either together or far away.
  • Depth perception: Assessing how far away or close together objects are.
  • Visual perception: Being able to decipher what is going on around you through visual cues.
  • Sustaining focus: Keeping a clear image of an object at a variety of distances.

If you or your child is having difficulty with any of these skills, please book an appointment with our vision therapist today.

Our Locations


  • 268 Brant Ave.
  • Brantford, ON N3T 3J7

*We’re closed on Saturdays during long weekends, as well as every Saturday in July & August.


  • 1721 Chiefswood Rd, Unit 13
  • Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0

Call us Mondays and Wednesdays between 9:00 am-4:00 pm (We are closed 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm). Please call the Brantford location on other days of the week.

Our Blog

Can Myopia Be Reversed?


Understanding Myopia Myopia, or nearsightedness, isn’t just about needing glasses to watch TV or spot the street sign ahead—it’s a growing global concern. Beyond blurry vision, myopia can increase the risk of some eye conditions. While myopia isn’t reversible, it’s highly treatable. From vision correction with eyeglasses or contacts to myopia control and corrective surgery, […]

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August 29, 2024
Dr. Cynthia Markarian Bahoshy
A young child holds myopia control glasses in front of them with outstretched arms.

Understanding Myopia Myopia, or nearsightedness, isn’t just about needing glasses to watch TV or spot the street sign ahead—it’s a growing global concern. Beyond blurry vision, myopia can increase the risk of some eye conditions. While myopia isn’t reversible, it’s highly treatable. From vision correction with eyeglasses or contacts to myopia control and corrective surgery, […]

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